Teachers at the ES-Academy successfully prepare students for the DELE exam. Our teachers know how to properly prepare for such a prestigious exam, because it was they who once had to take this bold step in their life! A bit about DELE: The Spanish Diploma DELE is an official document recognizing the level of knowledge of the Spanish language, which is issued by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain. All Spanish language options are valid and equivalent for the DELE diploma. DELE diplomas are internationally recognized, they are very prestigious not only among higher education institutions, public and private educational institutions, but also in chambers of commerce and the rest of the business world. They serve as a guarantee of the assessment and recognition of linguistic competence in the Spanish language. DELE diplomas do not have an expiration date.

Spanish gift course


There are currently six levels:

Nivel A1 (Beginner) The user exchanges information with short questions and answers, within a clear and specific communication context.(DELE A1)
Nivel A2(Elementary) The user understands, relates to and expresses himself in spoken and written Spanish, using simple language in everyday situations and cultural aspects. (DELE A2)
Nivel B1 (Intermediate) The user understands and is able to communicate in communicative contexts of his routine environment, knowing how to solve problems by himself. (DELE B1)
Nivel B2 (Upper-Intermediate) The user understands and expresses himself in general situations where there is an exchange of information. Expresses personal attitudes about topics that are familiar or of interest and talks about experiences. (DELE B2)
Nivel C1 (Advanced) The user understands and expresses himself in multiple situations with complex linguistic structures – still controlled -, fluency and spontaneity. (DELE C1)
Nivel C2 (Proficiency) The user expresses himself appropriately in any situation, mastering linguistic and cultural elements typical of a native speaker and knowing how to distinguish nuances of meaning. (DELE C2)